(Grigori Halinasch)
FFXIV - Crystal Data Center - Mateus
IGN: Grigori Halinasch
Seer ☫ Charlatan ☫ Thief ☫ Liar
Lavender Beds, Ward 19, Plot 28
Kenson looks to be a great hulking brute of a Hrothgar, bearing heavy scars on his face. His soft white fur is graying but distinguished, and he has a perpetual look of smug self-satisfaction. Clearly blind, he often dons a blindfold for dramatic effect- as his eyes are quite striking when he reveals them.Despite his booming baritone, the old cat speaks rather softly, lacing his words with sweet venom rather than outright aggression. Charming, erudite, and extremely untrustworthy, he rides the line between being devilish and outright slimy.His talents are real and known among some circles, enough to provide the business he loves- yet still allowing him to slink in the shadows. Quick to compliment and talk one in circles, he's also a serial liar known for manipulating people to get what he wants- though he's known to have a distaste for actual violence. When a man lies as easily as he tells the truth, how can one be sure he's actually seeing your future? And if he is... what if he embellishes it?With seemingly few scruples and a past he has painstakingly buried, there's a great air of tragedy about the man when he's not wearing the mummer's motley. Life certainly gets exciting around him, but with obscure origins and a penchant for making enemies, exciting can be deadly.
Age: 55
Marital Status: Widowed
Family: One Infant Daughter (Leiote)
Orientation: Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Favorite food: Salmon
Likes: Conversation, Troublemaking, Food, Animals, Children, Money, Entertainment, Showboating, Luxury
Dislikes: Lectures, Moral Grandstanding, Authority, Dragons, Honor Codes, Religion, Voidsent, Primals, Simplicity
Distinguishing Features: Deep scars across his lip, Pale eyes, Eyebrows
Fortunetelling - The way most meet Kenson. Whether visiting his manor via advertisement, or just running into him as he works a crowd, he's not hard to find when he's putting on his act. Public or private, he's always happy to tell you what your future holds- for a price. Though, he may simply lie and tell you what you want to hear...
Swindling - When Kenson isn't using his gift for profit, he can often be found making deals with the trading talent that rivals the Dunesfolk. A talented apothecary, he often trades and sells remedies both true and fake, as well as various artifacts and baubles that may or may not be magical. His prices are rarely fair, but if they were, he wouldn't be a proper swindler, would he?
Mercenary - Sometimes the old cat craves honest work. You may have met him for basic work, using his talents as a 'Thaumaturge' to great effect when dealing with various villains and brigands- exerting effort equal to the pay. Smug and insufferable, he'd be hard to forget.
Bozja - In his old life, Kenson lived in Bozja- even having a small family of his own in a small town. Most wouldn't know any of this history, but fellow Hrothgar may be compelled to ask anyway. The rare few who did actually know him from his youth may know him by the name of Grigori...
Echo - A convenient plot device, Kenson's possession of the Echo can lead to many strange and enlightening visions of the past! If you have something particularly interesting that he sees, he may force his way into your life- for his own personal profit, of course.
Black Magic - Exceedingly secretive and rare, Black Mages are rarely open about their practices of ancient Mhachi spellwork within Eorzea. However, fellow Black Mages may have heard of him or his work. He does collaborate with his kind when needed...
21+ only, please.
PST Timezone
Twitter: @hyunlochlain
Looking For: RP Partners, both casual and adventure. Excitement. Violence. Shenanigans. Drama!
Not Looking For: OOC Drama, Porn Without Plot,
Please, please communicate with me OOC if you're unsure about something.
Please feel free to hit me up.
If I'm not very responsive, don't take it personally. I work late hours.
Likewise, I may miss your /tell sometimes. Just send it again if I don't respond after a while.
Everyone is free to visit my ingame house and/or hang around.
Friend requests always welcome!